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Old 07-01-2005, 05:30 PM   #1
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Default Unmarked police bikes

Well, i think I've seen it all now

Over the last 4 weeks I have seen an unmarked police motorbike with cars pulled over at least 3 times in the city area, close to the Westgate Bridge. It appears to be a red Kawasaki, with the red and blue flashing lights mounted on the handlebars and below the rear indicators.

Has anyone else seen this?

Also, there appears to be a real effort for police motorbikes to target other motor bikes. Coming back in the Eastern Freeway one Sunday afternoon, traffic was pretty heavy and moving fast as it was a sunny Sunday afternoon. All along the freeway motorbikes were racing past and passing in between lanes etc. Well, at least 6 police motorbikes had 6 motorbikes pulled over as we got closer to the city, they really seemed to be targetting them.

So just a warning, look out for a white helmeted cop on a red kawasaki (although truth be known I dont think you will see them vefore they se you lol)
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