Thread: Buying a Cougar
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Old 11-01-2008, 12:15 AM   #2
You mad, bro?
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Welcome to the forum Rick

First stuff to look for is the typical repaired damage. Body is ok, just that no serious structural damage. Service history is a goody too. Overall they're a pretty strong car. Take one for a spin and keep an ear out for the odd rattles and not normal noises.

In terms of body kits, there are a couple of places to get them. Ask Abraxas or angelo and they'll be able to tell ya. Depends which model u'r getting. I have a 2000 model, pros is that the shape is the best, cons are that the seats suck. 2001 onwards was the facelift model which had better interior and seats. They changed the front and rear bumpers, not to my liking, but a bodykit will fix that! Look at Abraxas' for some pointers.

Overall, u won't be dissapointed as they're a great car. Not super powerful, but will take corners btr than most
2009 LV Focus XR5 Turbo Performance Blue

SFS 2007 Best Cougar, SFS 2010/2011 Best Focus XR5
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