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Old 10-10-2008, 09:16 AM   #263
Starter Motor
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 5

Name : Dave
Age : 39
Location : Melb
Occupation : Project Engineer (Yes at Ford...)
Fiesta : XR4 Silver with blue stripes (Called Silver; every car sgould have a name))
Mods : None; Want a private number plate to complete my Mid Life Crisis LOL.
If I had the money: Finish my 1988 Mini and get her back on the road!

Maybe one of the oldest XR4 owners and proud of it...

You don't stop playing because you get old...
You get old because you stop playing!

Fighting old age disgracefully...

Picked the car up about 3 weeks ago and still grinnin'. Worked out longer back route to work so I can enjoy the handling and leaving for work early to miss the traffic: Sad old codger but happy!

Reminds me of my Mini which I built when I was 18; small, hard ride, handles like "a rat on rails" and very fast. even comes 'on cam' like the Mini at 3000 RPM. Forgotten how much I missed that fun driving untill I got "Silver"

XR4 is a real spiritual follower of the original Mini Cooper (not the BMW but the 1960's original hot hatch... Yes well spotted the Mini ain't a hatch but you get my drift!)

BTW first time I have been inspired to join a forum...
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