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Old 04-07-2010, 02:16 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 455

Like any car that is over 10 years old they can be prone to breakdown. For the most part the engines a re pretty much bullet proof. You should check if the front struts have been replaced as these are prone to failiure after 100,000KM.

The main thing is find yourself a good mechanic and stick to him like glue as the key now is regular maintenance.

On my Eibach I have had a few little problems but nothing major apart from the struts.

When and if you need parts I can recommend here if you can wait five days or so for delivery from the USA

Or here if you are after parts a bit more quicker as they are in NSW.

Whatever you do don't try and buy parts from Fraud as they are a rip off.

Good luck with it and post some pics for us.

As for your question YES I would join the RAC, cars are so technical these days fixing it yourself on the side of the road just isn't going to happen.
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