Thread: Focus vs Cruze
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Old 06-07-2012, 07:13 PM   #3
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Default Re: Focus vs Cruze

I just wheeled and dealed an SRI Cruze for my brother in law. I also test drove the diesel Cruze and own a Sport Diesel LW Focus myself. The difference is noticable the fords diesel donk and DSG seems a little more intuitive and perkier. The DSG is something that takes a bit of getting used to. I came from a buttery smooth auto in an FG XR6T and at first it seemed like the focus had a dodgey box. Not so, got used to it real quick tho.

Build quality, materials and design...I have to favour the Focus also. However that is personal taste. Obviously my sister and brother in law prefer the Cruze styling over the other aspects enough to buy it over a focus.

Nothing beats a brand new car and the cruze is a good drive and decent bfyb. I do think ford service is better (only just)....ultimately drive them both. One should tickle your fancy a little more.

I've got my Focus booked in for a tune next week. If you wan to wait til the week after I'll put up my thoughts on how tweakable these things are ; )
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