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Old 18-11-2013, 02:18 PM   #303
neptune blue
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Thumbs down Re: Phil B's XB coupe

Originally Posted by Phil B View Post
Hi, this is the wife here. Thanks for giving him some solutions/things to try. He's pretty frustrated. He posted in one of the facebook groups that he's thinking of selling her... I think he'll regret it too much if he does. Roughly how many $$$'s are we talking here? I'm the one who does the budgeting, I'll see if I can scrape up the money somewhere.

I'm hoping once she's running well again he'll get the passion back for the car. I've got the weekend off coming up so if I can get her fixed in time I'll take him for a relaxing drive in her, he hasn't had a chance to enjoy her and take her out for ages, I think that's part of why he wants to sell, all the fun is gone...

So how much do I need to find in the budget for her this time? Roughly? And I'll see what I can do to try and stop him selling her. Thanks for all your help and advice.

Hi Sarah
Chris has already touched on the repairs needed
For what it's worth what Phil is going through is typical of owning an older car that parts are wearing out / or hasn't been maintained

If the budget can afford it I would buy a newer car as a daily drive, living up north one with aircon perhaps

Then retire the coupe as the daily drive that way if it needs some work its not something that has to be done right away as its not your primary mode of transport

Phil has already scraped the paint work since he has painted it
Scrapes and small dings a par for the course when you drive a car every day
So in summarising , if you can afford it the coupe should be for fun only (IMO) and if it stops for any reason it can be repaired when the budget allows

Get a small fuel efficient reliable daily driver so that Phil doesn't stress about it breaking down or scraping the paint
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