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Old 27-05-2014, 11:47 PM   #9
something wrong
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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My father (ex Ambo and was working at RPA) was having bad ingestion at 2am and thought his ulcer was playing up so he started drinking Mylanta and chewing quickeze, he went to work each day, by the 4th day mum had enough and at 3am took him to concord hospital, the Dr hooked him up and he was having a small heart attack. They found 4 Arteries blocked around his heart plus the two on his neck and on Xmas eve they did bypass surgery. He recovered well but three days later suffered a massive stroke and is paralyzed on the right side. 12 months of rehab and his speech is back and he can sort off walk, and limited use of his right arm / hand.
Thankfully he is still here and now able to look after his self but my poor mum has aged with the stress and extra workload.
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