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Old 29-02-2016, 07:16 PM   #211
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by Trejo View Post
Yes it certainly isn't a good idea to endure confrontation for me due to
1. nothing good comes out of violence, obviously.
2. But with me, because I was such a gentle and placid child , after years of enduring bullying and constant parental demands to turn the other cheek, that when in my late teens i was still getting picked out of a crowd in pubs n clubs to be challenged to a fight, my mind finally snapped. Thats when i discovered i was a lot stronger and sadistically violent than anyone or thing i had endured prior, there were/are no rules or morals if you forced me to physically defend myself, as i have no control after i disassociate from reality. So that began my anti socialising by avoiding alcohol induced events, didn't leave much besides church, but it made me feel uncomfortable,.. the singing of hymns within my 'hypocritical parental'' catholic upbringing and then with the rocking evangelical born again meetings, there was the healing by laying on of hands and need to speak in tongues that just made me feel like... how do i put it... like it was insulting my intelligence, taking goodness too far, this is just how i feel. My faith can't out way my intelligence, even for the better good of me socialising with, it most cases, genuinely good hearted caring supportive people. So i again fight depression and isolate myself from the anxiety that comes with the days recollections of what i may have did or said that was inappropriate this time. Ok this session's time is up, later and again thanks for all your support to our cause.
I remember seeing thru school so many kids that got picked on we're big enough that I used to think, man if that kid snaps....those bullies are dead! But because they were the quiet type, more likely raised better aswell, they just rolled with the punches.
But you know what....looking back.....they are the more normal kids,the smart kids, the lucky kids, the ones who as I now scroll through Facebook.....have families. While the bullies are either dead or lonely drunks and so on. Your dead right....violence almost never amounts to anything good. Whether your a kid or a grown up...whatever your situation now, imagine going to prison for a one hit punch fatality, and dealing with that!
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