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Old 09-04-2016, 07:31 PM   #22
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Default Re: The Camping Thread

Originally Posted by Ghia5L View Post
prydey - what do you have in the way of a vehicle, (& trailer?), bbq, etc.
FG (as in avatar) and 6x4 so pretty similar to you going by that pic.

This being the first serious camping attempt in many years, we have chosen a campground that has access to an adjacent caravan park with toilets and showers. (naracoorte caves national park - wirreanda campground)

the campground also has those picnic style table and chairs randomly scattered around with water and a sink and there are also bbq's, so we aren't going totally without amenities.

i have a 45L coleman esky which will do for drinks. checked out some ice boxes today, but for now my brother has said i can borrow his 60L Waeco ice box, so that side of things is pretty sorted. interesting about the dry ice. sounds like it works well.

we have one of those cheap single burner things with the cartridges that got left at my place years ago. will work for boiling a kettle but they are a bit limited with what you can fit on them. i have a workmate that has offered to lend us a 2 burner camp stove, so might do that for now to keep the costs down. i have a 9kg gas bottle already.

glad you mentioned the jump starter as well. power supply has been something i've been wondering about, and i was looking at a cheap one of these at kmart today ($60). not that great for jump starting cars but probably ok for charging phones in the bush. how do you work out how many charges you can get out of it?
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