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Old 22-04-2016, 08:22 PM   #65
BENT_8's Avatar
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Default Re: The Camping Thread

Originally Posted by castellan View Post
A can of areostart for the ticks ? what do you spray the tick with it.
We had a lot of problems with ticks with one dog every week we would pull 30 or so ticks of her, but the blue dog never had a problem at all.
Talking about ticks, funny story...

So 9 years ago i did a part time Outdoor Ed course as part of getting my HSC as an adult student through an adult re entry school.
I dropped out after year 10 for work.

There was a class of about 20 for trips away with an even mix of guys and girls and a male Instructor.
So on one trip we head to Pondelowie Bay at the foot of the Yorke Peninsula, a place where Kangaroo ticks are rife.
2 days in and one of the females comes running into the communal tent complaining or a nast red rash in a place she couldnt really show us.
She had a tick festering away high up on her inner thigh...

None of the other females would help her to remove it, which in itself is a task, so she pleads with the Instructor to get it out.
He said he's not going anywhere near it unless there is a witness to avoid any misconduct allegations.

So she throws herself down in the entrance to her tent, top half in the tent, waist down outside and whips down her trackies.
The Instructor gets down on his hands and knees between her legs and proceeds to carefully remove the tick with tweezers.

He got it out successfully, but the **** he copped for the rest of the year was priceless.
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