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Old 29-04-2016, 09:48 PM   #87
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Default Re: The Camping Thread

Originally Posted by castellan View Post
I go out to spots that their is no amenities and have a dirt bike to get right out wop wop.
We are on speaking terms with the Yowie, Mick first met him 30 years ago not to mention Mick has been mistaken for a Yowie himself and even been called a silver back on job sights.
I take out as little as need be and sleep in my ute as it's up out of the ticks and snakes and the crocks can't get ya.
Mick and myself were right out in the scrub once and we heard the strange noise growling, never herd nothing like it, but it was not keen on us being their near a water hole in the creek, probably a bunyip, we were not to keen on finding out ether without a gun and that far out best not bother, but we cant get out there anymore because the scrub is to over grown now and even other places we have ridden up to, other people will not go in out of fear, it's great I bring fishing line and just roll it out so we can find our way back, you can't see the sun and the wind in the trees is magic not to mention the places we have seen that spin you out.
Ahh, the old Bunyip, everyone loves a good Bunyip story around the campfire.
Well, everyone except the little kiddies, they just **** themselves and hang on to ya leg for the rest of the night.

I must agree though, the best camping has no amenities. Nothing like roughing it in the bush, although, you really dont need to go too far to feel like a pioneer, just have to know where to go.

Theres a few places i take the kayak where you would swear you were 100 miles from nowhere yet are no further than a days paddle from town.
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