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Old 28-07-2018, 10:01 AM   #18
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Default Re: Elon Musk is a total fraud

Originally Posted by Crazy Dazz View Post
Ironically, I think Musk has successfully combined the two. He seems to have the crazy brilliance of Tesla, with the hard commercial-shysterism of Edison.
The "crazy brilliance of Tesla", you really think Musk comes up with these ideas himself?...I think not, he is a farmer who has a lot of sheep follow him around all day, the sheep come up with the solutions to problems thrown at them by Musk.
If they don't he gets more sheep until he gets what he wants, and eventually he gets it!

Tesla was not Musk, Tesla worked things out with pencil and paper, he did not have access to the tools Musk has, he did not employ others to think for him like Musk does!
He himself thought with a thing called a brain, yes a brain and apparently the use of the subconscious mind, like most inventors he was a dreamer, Musk has none of these virtues, zero, Musk makes money for a job, and others get paid to come up with the goods.

Cheers Billy.
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