Thread: VFACTS Oct 2018
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Old 09-11-2018, 06:50 PM   #59
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Default Re: VFACTS Oct 2018

Originally Posted by jpd80 View Post
I'm sorry, you gave us the impression that Commodore sales numbers are low because
Holden sold as many VFIIs as it could and those buyers are not ready to buy another new
Commodore. If what you say is true, then ZB Commodore sales will begin to rise without
those heavy incentives...
Its probably a combination of many things, the polarising nature of the car, the negative sentiment, the downturn in sales across the whole segment and as im alluding to, perhaps because many of the faithful pulled the trigger on a new one before VF finished and arent quite ready to go again yet, as i said, time will tell.

Originally Posted by jpd80 View Post
Where did anyone say that?
No one expects the ZB to sell at VFII volumes but, discount/ put aside the V8 buyers and there's
still about 1,000-1,200/month possible sales - is this what you're expecting to happen next year?
your mate 4 posts up alludes to it all the time, as though its a sales disaster if it cant return numbers to where they were.

As i said, i think 1000/month is quite possible in the next 12 months, but they'll have to bare the short term pain of shifting the excess stock they already have as 2017 VF2 buyers arent going to be interested in late 2017 early 2018 plated ZB's that have been sitting around since they bought their VF.

Originally Posted by jpd80 View Post
It's a great start and Buttner is a good fit for Holden, I hope he changes some more things there,
I think they need to finess the model/trim mix and optons a bit - that will help them compete.
Its certainly something that they can look at, and again, being an entirely new product it was always going to be a trial and error situation as what they have to offer now is very different to what the traditional Commodore buyer is familiar with.
Right now though its a case of clear the decks and reset which they are doing.
Lets not forget, whats happened to Australian auto manufacturing is unprecedented on such a scale in such a short time and even Toyota are struggling to claw back numbers of their former locally made offering, it was never going to be an easy task, however, certain people think it should have just happened and because it hasnt its a complete failure and they might as well close up shop.
What makes me laugh though is that Ford chose a different path, abandoning the segments it built locally in, atleast as far as large passenger cars is concerned, and have avoided the same issues that Holden and Toyota are dealing with now, however, Ford are facing their own issues although that seems to be getting swept under the carpet with the belief that its because of a model change with its top sellers, thats something else we'll keep a close eye on over the next few months.
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