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Old 15-03-2019, 10:31 PM   #934
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

I’m on the other side of a rough couple of months of anxiety. Had 3 weeks of holiday, and came back not relaxed. Then a few family things got dumped on top, my independent mum had a health scare involving an ambulance call out , my uncle died suddenly, then my head is filled with thoughts of the meaning of life on repeat. I want to fix things and make them better but some things are out of my control. My rhumatoid arthritis then flares up, meaning my natural outlet (physical work on weekends) has to take a backseat-making me anxious. Then one day I cracked it at the most simple thing....... commercial radio. Yep, hearing I realised was making me anxious, so I drove around for 2 weeks in complete silence.
Then the anxiety manifested itself in my body. Chest pains and headaches. Making me think I’m having a heart attack or aneurism ( which I know wasn’t happening) but making me more anxious.
Then finally, I hopped in the car one morning and dropped my daughter to school, I was on my way to my first customer when it clicked. I was not listening for the SIGNS my body was giving me, I’ve done all this before, and dealt with it. I chucked a u turn at 9am and went to my local clinic. Got some serapax, drove home, called in sick, then slept all day exhausted. It’s tough fighting with your brain and your body at the same time.
It took me a couple of days to feel better, now 2 weeks later, some days are lower than others, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

So, gents, bottom line, you are in charge of you, listen for the signs and go see a doctor, powering on like a trooper is no good if you will hit a wall.
See what is happening in this discussion? We are normalising mental heath conversation.....go team.

2019 LDV G10
2009 Mitsubishi Express-GONE
2011 Honda Jazz
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