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Old 09-10-2019, 05:51 PM   #112
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Tech Writer: Recognition for the technical writers of AFF - Issue reason: Outstanding work on the FG ICC issues. Technical Contributor: For members who share their technical expertise. - Issue reason: The insane amount of work he has put into the Falcon FG ICC is unbelievable. He has shared everything he has done and made a great deal of it available to us all. He has definitely helped a great deal of us with no personal gains to himself. 
Default Re: FORD technical service bulletin : ICC touch screen display

Originally Posted by XRPete View Post
Ok, so i use an new grounding point in the car. and the 3 pin mosfet which i thought i blew, is reading at I (on) key position 11.89v @ top pin and 21.70v on the bottom give or take some mv's.

On the II (accessories) and (Running engine) key position, i was getting 14.35v @ top pin and 10.30v on the bottom give or take some mv's.

so that bottom pin is getting a 10v drop while the can is switch to accessories/running position. so i assume this is why the display inst turning on. - see attached image

From memories I (on) position allows the radio to still play but no screen in normal circumstances. and when you put the key into the II (accessories) or Engine Start (running position) the display turns on.

the 8 pin chip LE80 is still giving me 8mv at the top left pin (white dot), opposite that was 7.1mv and the rest were giving me under 5mv.

the big 5 pin one is now giving me mv's at all pins too.

both chips didn't vary with the car running or at the I (ON) position

P.s how do you paste images to the post? i can attach, but when i paste it comes up as text.
My car has 4 key positions. 0 is off and the key can be inserted and removed. I is accessories, and the screen turns on for me. II is ignition and the dashboard lights up. III is start, which returns to II on a spring.

If you've got 11.89v and 21.7v while the key is in position I then that's what I've got on my bench. I've not measured it any other way (in the car / changing key positions) as I didn't seem to need to.

I'm sceptical the reading on the large 5 pin device is correct, the trace is not burnt anywhere, and I've seen what happens on one that large when it pops. I'd suggest testing again (except you may be sick of pulling it out now, dealing with difficult forum members, and just want to get it sorted at ~$300).

The 8v regulator, well, I feel bad about giving you a hard time, so I desoldered the 8v output on mine and it still turns on, lights up and displays everything normally. If it's not getting power on yours though, maybe other things are also not getting power. Connecting power to it with a wire may pass the power on to the other things?

It actually makes sense, because I said I didn't think a 100mA thing like this would blow the trace - but if more things are using it, then yes, that's more reasonable.

Last edited by JasonACT; 09-10-2019 at 06:05 PM.
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