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Old 06-04-2006, 11:44 AM   #86
Mr Focus
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Brisbane, southside, Redlands.
Posts: 575

[QUOTE=melbzetec]Yeh, fair call.

BUT this guy is using the Forums to try and sell stuff (which actually isn't allowed under the Forum conditions unless you're a sponsor) And he wasn't a particularly active member prior to spruiking his business

And frankly, people were a bit kinder earlier on, but never any apology, never a "woops, sorry guys, I got it wrong". Always bluster and b/s, and "you don't know what you are talking about" type attitude.

Hey guys. You don't know me and haven't heard from me before. I am Lorraine the other half of FRA. I have just read some of the posts on here and frankly am a little shocked at the slanderous approach to some of them.

Firstly I just want to say the reason Rob joined this Forum wasn't purely out of self interest, but to enjoy the positive aspects of having people to talk with, about a car he loves. We spent a lot of time looking around for a Forum who actually knew what they were talking about and when we finally found one we were very excited. Despite what melbzetec might think, we spend a lot of time discussing all of what Rob reads in the posts.

After re-reading the posts here so I can catch up on everything, I am finding it difficult to understand why there is such a dilema on grammar? Sure some of the verbalisation might be lost in translation but the general ideas are there and we just assumed that such intelligent people as yourselves would know and understand the logistics. So I deeply apologise for any errors made in the previous posts.

We do love feedback and we are glad to have people who know and understand the Focus. For myself I am new to the Focus but Rob has owned one since 2003 and has put a lot of time and energy(and into it. WE bought our hatch only last year and I already do not recognise it. The looks and questions we get everyday is phenomenal.

I am only learning about the outputs the Focus can achieve and may I please assure you that the dealers we talk to here and overseas have assured us the HP Rob has been talking about is achievable.

We apologise about the supercharger. It was a misunderstanding on our behalf. It will bolt onto the engine but finding someone within Australia to actually do this for you is a big problem. This is why we won't be selling it.

The parts you see on our site, have actually been put onto both of our Focus 2003 and 2005 and so far we have done this ourselves. They do fit even though they are from the States because it is the same engine and drivetrain clutch. We have taken some pictures and will be posting them on the site soon so you will all be able to see what we have done so far. They are just the basic general parts for now and when we get to the bigger and better things we too will be looking for someone to do this for us. We would never recommend anything that would not fit.

Once again I apologise for any mistakes that have been made in the previous posts and hope you can all forgive simple human error.
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