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Old 14-03-2020, 10:41 PM   #286
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Coronavirus Closes 5 Hyundai Factories.

Unless you have been overseas or been in direct contact with a confirmed case they won't test you for the most part.

The numbers are way higher I would suggest because of the limited amount of kits so they can't just test everybody.

Stay at home if you are sick is the advice which should be a given anytime but especially now. Flatten the curve as they have been saying.

I've never really been bothered about getting a flu shot but this year I will probably get through work (assuming vaccine supply even hold up) because at the very least it is one less thing to overwhelm the hospitals.

I last had it in 2016 I think and not really worried but in these times we don't want to make more problems.

I think you can get both so even if you beat one you might not beat the other.
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