Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 22-03-2020, 10:39 PM   #351
DIY Tragic
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Hopefully, Martinka! It's not like you can buy Sobranies at Colesworths.

I saw a news headline "Taxis being cleaned around the clock" and thought OK, that's not much - but still more than usual.

To be serious, contamination in cars:

I read that one lab test surface described as "plastic" has a rather strong ability to retain potency of the virus; after three days post-exposure there was still a measurably active component of the pathogen on/in the surface. Full methodology wasn't clear, whether the test pieces were hermetically sealed or accessible to free air movement.

As I have to borrow Povo Ute off my mate and then return it in a few days, I need to leave it free of elevated infection risk as the chemo is busy smashing his immunity to everything. Would the normal (benzalkonium chloride) kitchen surface cleaners be suitable for wiping down?
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