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Old 09-09-2020, 04:38 PM   #6
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Default Re: Aged Care with Home Care Packages

falcon bandit, hats off to your 3 family members in those friggin tuff jobs.
Sure would be depressing BUT I'm Thankful people take on these jobs most don't but all I'm seeing its harder and harder in those jobs.
The system red tape, lack of new workers coming in, our aging pop is putting a massive strain on an already strained broken system lacking funding.
The private ones are banks, yes they are far nicer premise's, similar to the ones my inlaws are in BUT the costs are massive ! but in the end I'd far prefer seeing the inlaws and my own (one day) in these compared to the Gov ones.
I'm so so sorry for those people, no one deserves going into a place that is not up to a standard of living they once were used to.
My wife is at wits end due to covid let alone all the hassles we've gone through with her siblings and her parents last 5yrs trying to keep them at home for as long as poss -
My wife one of 8 kids, she and the eldest sis have power of attorney.
For years they had rosters so as someone would turn up everyday with food,clean house take to doc appointments etcetc, the work is huge.
Mum inlaw dementia sufferer Dad so many aging ailments etc its a demoralising experience for them and for family.
Then trying to work with aged care arrange visits etc, its a friggin challenge.
One sibling expected they stay at home till the end of their lives and has caused so much pain and fall outs.
In the end it was agreed to sell their home to cover the costs going into a good nursing home.
OMG the costs - the red tape trying to retain the pension, 3/4 of that is pulled into paying weekly costs + add ons from the sale of the house.
Its a massive dogs breakfast.
Yes polyal, the time comes for us, lord help us its better.
I'm not looking forward to it one bit.
I watched my father inlaw deteriote and sadly pass away just 3mths ago.
His wife due to dementia couldn't even relate he was gone lying in his bed for some 5hrs till funeral company came to pick him up. :(
Can't complain a good 91yrs here BUT I ask myself why hang on for as long as you do, he could hardly walk, wipe your **** or shower without assistance.
Yes falcon bandit yet still they all want to find a way home no matter the condition they are in.
You felt like a heel when asked "we come home with you" like ffs how sad.
Whats the point living like this for x last years of your life.
Those poor aged care workers seeing this day in day out knowing such and such will go soon who's next.
Mum losing weight, we see it during facetiming her.
Depressing is depressing.
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