Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 06-10-2020, 04:29 PM   #6847
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by T3rminator View Post
So one person (close contact) who went to work whilst their family had tested positive has now caused 25+ cases, and has even leaked into regional Vic. WTF!?!

Is this really just happening in Vic? How is NSW containing all the spot fires they had a few weeks ago? I can't believe this is a governance one is being "locked up" in other states to prevent transmission... so what is different?

"The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services revealed on Wednesday that it has 1700 contact tracers calling Victorians affected by COVID-19, compared with about 400 in NSW.

The DHHS would not provide a further breakdown of what portion of those 1700 tracers were directly phoning close contacts of COVID-19 cases, however, despite reports from Nine News that just 150 were doing so compared with double that in NSW."

So nearly all of the 400 CTs in NSW are hitting the phones compare to just 150 of the claimed 1700 CTs in VIC.
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