Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 20-10-2020, 08:27 AM   #7064
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Amazing how psychology works. During lock down, for months on end, you had thousands of people in Melb whining and screaming, "let us out" "we want our freedom" ra ra ra. Yesterday was the first day of the 25km rule and unlimited exercise time. Took full advantage, and noticed there were very few people out and about in several locations. In fact, the tan at 7pm was less busy than pre pandemic. I guess its back to normal and people can go back to spending time on instagram and snapchat.

Originally Posted by Citroënbender View Post
I’m not talking about putting unqualified people anywhere in the health or welfare systems. I’m saying to qualify more people, possibly by virtue of new categories, allow others to train up, and introduce them as augments to an overstretched workforce.
I think they tried this in the UK. 10m people volunteered to help at the height of the 1st wave. Not sure if and how they were used. I think some were used to help deliver essentials to vulnerable groups, that was about the extent of it. From what I'm hearing, our resources were never overstretched, just a series of unfortunate events / failures that led to the outbreak.

Originally Posted by Charliewool
Darling daughter who lives in Gisborne sent me this...
She is absolutely livid with Dan’s ongoing crap! (As I get the feeling, a lot of Victorians are!)
The Vic gov may have been inclined to take a bigger risk if they had an inch of support from the Feds and/or media. Instead they keep getting stones thrown at them for every single step they take and every word they mutter. The support from the public seems to be waning somewhat, but there is still a significant portion of Vics that support the response, if you can trust the news polls.
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