Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 20-10-2020, 09:38 AM   #7067
DIY Tragic
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

The Gregorian calendar is so pervasive it really does affect (distort) some perceptions. I’m going to reassert that in the minds of many, this current illness will be sorted “if we can make it to the end of the year” - as if Santa will bring a fabulous vaccine or midnight liturgy will drive the virus off the earth’s corners.

Im thinking ahead to the poor staff in full PPE running drive-through testing under shade shelters when it’s 39° in February and infection rates are spiking yet again.

Any notion of a nationally unified approach was lost when celebrities got exemptions to quarantine of varying degrees, the sheer farce/double standard of the AFL competition and Gutwein’s cronyism on the projects in Hobart, the near indescribable offence of massive cost creep on the tracking app, the mandation of overt physical quarantine measures when technology exists to turn many people around faster (via now quicker testing) and use personal tracking hardware for lower quarantine costs…

And now we have several state governments basically creating a new category of quarantine bureaucracy where there’s no demonstrated need for it - eg, Victorians entering NSW having to undergo full isolation and monitoring despite the state carrying less infected parties than NSW at present. It’s a flaming picnic for those who get their rocks off by sowing seeds of division.
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