Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 20-10-2020, 11:29 AM   #7069
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by tweeked View Post
It is proven in other states that a competent government can make this work, Vic does not have one.
Yep, and the horse has already bolted, so to speak. Your state is already riddled with infection, it needed that china-style lockdown because your leadership failed to show any real leadership.

Screaming about it now isn't going to do you much good, the damage has already been done. The best chance any of you had was to bunker down to keep yourself safe as best you could to weather out the storm. I'm not sure when it's safe to come back out but while there's still unknown community transmission you still have a problem that can change direction for the worse quite fast.

It also includes the health professionals, who peddled a lie at the start that apparently masks were a bad thing, just to keep them for themselves, despite them being used for a hundred years, then changing their minds when it got serious. I just want accountable government.
Yeah it was probably a lie but what was the alternative? Have the general public start hoarding masks for themselves like they did with toilet paper? You know it'd happen. Have you considered what may have happened to our healthcare system if that had happened? Other countries around the world experienced such high numbers of death because their hospitals got overwhelmed and they couldn't treat the sheer numbers of patients that got sick.

That leads to other people dying from conditions that they would normally survive with treatment. How many of our cancer patients wouldn't be able to get treatment? How many dialysis patients? People who get septic? What about people who experience appendicitis? There's noone left to do the surgery so he/she dies from it. Heart patients? Do you think the guy who didn't have coronavirus but just had a heart attack and needs a stent would get that stent, or do you think he'd be left to die? In many countries sick people got triaged based on their life expectancy because there weren't enough health professionals to treat the numbers of people who needed help, so the young took preference over the old, the healthier over the unhealthy. Heart attacks weren't treated at all, strokes same deal.. people were just left to die because they couldn't be treated at the time. How would you feel if it was someone from your family who died from a treatable condition because there was noone to help them? Your wife? Bitten by a snake by her morning walk but no paramedics available and no quick way to get antivenom?

Not only would hospitals have been overrun by patients that they couldn't provide care for but the healthcare workers themselves would have gotten sick because they couldn't get adequate protection to while treating infected patients.

That'd lead on to 1) them infecting other patients who then go and give it to their families, becoming a bigger source of infection and 2) having to go into quarantine, further reducing the number of staff who would have carried the country if our outbreak had been as big as other countries.

It's easy to be angry about being lied to about masks but can you foresee what probably would the outcome if it hadn't happened? Other countries have had that exact thing occur so it's not an unreasonable opinion.

It's already predicted that we'll have more death in the coming years because people who normally would have had health checkups this year didn't get checkups, so their illnesses won't have been identified. People with melanoma who.. rather than it being now cut out early.. will be spreading further into their body and probably be less treatable by the time it is discovered.

Now we know we need a big/bigger stash of PPE for the country and that we can't rely on foreign trade during a pandemic so that'll probably happen and next time we'll be better prepared.

I'd like accountable government too. I'd like a government who doesn't bend over to let foreign investment destroy the housing industry just to line their own pockets and that of the population who were old enough at the time to have jumped on the bandwagon. Nevermind the generations to come whose lives they must have known would be ruined. So now we have a government who have no desire to represent the interests of the young people because they're incentivised to do the exact opposite by way of their own financial gain and so are half the population whose only achievement was to be old enough to buy into it. There was no effort required on their part, no skill, no hard work to hold up as a respectable reason why they should get such rewards... just buy up limited resources and wait for the lack of supply to increase the value of the resources they hoarded.

Last edited by leesa; 20-10-2020 at 11:36 AM.
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