Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 05-01-2021, 01:43 PM   #8807
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by leesa View Post
In studies, sample sizes are a thing.

They have checked people who were otherwise healthy, who had no history of heart problems, who contracted covid, who had mild symptoms, who died from things other than covid and who showed damage to the heart that couldn't be explained by conditions other than them having covid. In apparently significant enough numbers for them to be mentioned in their studies to say that otherwise healthy people with mild cases are being left with heart damage.

You can call it scaremongering if you like. I call it listening to the experts.
Ultimately it doesn't affect me whether you listen to them or not.
no one is denying that some people are not recovering 100%

'most people' is just hyping it up. Why?

There have been a lot of 'experts' come out of the woodwork in the last year as well. Were they all in agreement on all things?

Just tone it down a touch instead of coming across all aggressive and acting like anyone who doesn't lock themselves away is going to die.
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