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Old 12-04-2021, 01:35 PM   #4
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Exclamation Re: The Camping Thread

While there is an element of keeping up with the Joneses, I don't think it is a new thing and definitely not unique to camping.

Sure, there are some shiny setups around but it doesn't bother me at all. I go camping to spend time with my family, not to socialise with other people I don't know. I'm polite and don't really care how other people go camping.

Not having a go at anyone in particular but it seems that if someone does something different to how things were done years ago then they are condescended to.

Also if someone can't travel overseas so decide to travel locally instead they seemed to be looked down on as well... I don't care how long or short someone has been doing their thing, no one has any more right to it than anyone else.
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