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Old 11-02-2024, 11:28 PM   #33
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Default Re: Bank Transfer - Am I Too Suspicious?

Originally Posted by arm79 View Post

I once knew someone who behaved like you, worked on the cash is king mantra and carried and stored masses of cash.

He's dead now...

Someone worked out a large amount of takings for his business were in cash, because he often carried large wads of cash into town to pay his bills (fist sized rolls, it was rather impressive) and buy booze for his club. Didn't help he liked to tell people about how he ran his business.

One day a group of 3 guys decided to test how true it was. They broke into his house and tortured him, cut off his digits one by one, until he broke and gave up the location of the cash. Somewhere along the line the shot him and accidentally nicked an artery which caused him to bleed out.

Ultimately they were too stupid to enjoy the $20k they made off with, they were caught days later.

Irony was, he was 2 or 3 weeks off settling a sale of the land his golf club was on to a developer for a share of the $20m purchase price. He kinda missed out on every persons dream.

then you have the problem of scammers/hackers.

Originally Posted by arm79 View Post
Not sure how cash would have made a difference here.

Haven't seen a discount for cash in a longtime, unless you are talking dropping the GST... Which from a business perspective is starting to get a little hard.

Also I don't know why businesses would give a discount on a transaction media that is infinitely more expensive to administer. From a business perspective I can understand why businesses favor EFT only, given how ridiciously expensive it is becoming to provide cash as a payment method.

i have two parts guys that IF i pay cash - i get a discount. one you bought from. not a lot of business's prefer eft, but the buyer pays the cost of that & same with zip/afterpay = business pays & then who.
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