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Old 26-09-2006, 05:57 PM   #51
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by crannersEL
Sweet as, thanks guys!
Now i can make my car sound kinda like a manual hahahahaha........
This quote stuck with me, If you drive the car in a way that immitates a manual, then your wasting your time and it will never really perform the way you want it to.

In a way it is like people saying they have a new exhaust on thier six and now it sounds like a V8, it just doesnt happen ( and yes for those few it can be close , but not the real deal )

From a movie way back and not sure of it's name the quote " I am Black and i am proud " comes to mind.

With the auto drive it through the gears but do not try and even make it sound manual, the days are long gone where those saying your big n tuff if you have a manual, and your a girl if you drive an auto, and i am not talking about driving my camry as that just stays in drive.

The event of the new 6 speed auto has quashed any rubbish relating to an auto being weak and not the mans car.

I grew up driving manuals, GT's, Xu1's, Monaro's, charger's and the list goes on and i love the manual cars back then and also modern day manuals such as XR8888 and ORSMXR were very tough and would not say a bad thing about them and in todays time it's hard to also bag the auto.

In the thread people have talked about the drive train and avoiding backlash and in a way would apply to manuals as well, drive anything stupid and it will break, more in point they talk about down shifting under brake to avoid this, but no one yet has talked about down shifting under WOT, and in the auto ( once again with common sense ) this will rock your socks.

Lets say you have just come out of a corner or speeding up on the straight ( and this is on track not street ) and your revs are low, and i guess eveyone has done this plenty of times, in a manual in with the clutch drop it back a gear or two and away you go, same with the auto, say i am in 3rd at low revs, i can literally slamm my foot to the floor and hit the shifter Bang, 2nd , Bang 1st as fast as i can, and unlike the manual where i need to get the clutch in and change gears etc this is instant, so from 3rd to second, it will throw the revs up and pick up , but your still in the range to hit first which is done, and that puppy kicks in, it will throw you back into the seat so hard it's not funny and you will know then why there are side bolsters, lumber supports, head rests and the works in your seat as you will be glued to them, and you better be hanging on as it will be instant peak revs / acceleration and you car will be stepping out all over the back, and before you know it your slamming that puppy into second and being slammed back into the seat again.

All of this would happen before the manual driver even got the first gear change sorted and let the cluth out, and your long gone.

( i will stress track for this and if you have never done it take it slow or you will loose the back end very easily, and it will bite you in the a$$, as it is as above WOT, flat out hard ballin it ),

So in relation making it sound like a manual, be proud to drive an auto, there is nothing wrong with them once people learn that D is for Dull driving.


Last edited by DOC; 26-09-2006 at 06:12 PM.
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