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Old 13-11-2010, 09:40 AM   #31
Regular Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 327

It sounds like most of you have come accross my dad whilst driving. Apart from anything involving speeding most of these pet hates sound very familar. He once got pulled over & his excuse was the 100 was the maximum limit, so him doing 55 or 65 for 1/2 hour on a busy single lane section of hwy with limited overtaking opportunities was not his problem as he was doing nothing wrong. The copper tried to explain the high dangers involved as others performed dangerous overtaking manovers etc. The copper was able to use his lights & noise to overtake app. 300 car to catch up & pull him over. He also only uses indicators when leaving his carpark spot at Kmart or when reversing out of the driveway. He has now decided to aviod driving unless necessary as he comes home a mental & physical mess due to the constant abuse & threats he receives. I've tried many times to educate him on how he is endandering others etc he refuses to change. Unfortunitally my only advise is be aware he is still out there.
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