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Old 01-09-2005, 10:41 AM   #1
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Default Stupid Fing Camry Drivers

What a great start to a day!

While driving down Albert St this morning taking my gf to work after she has been sick for 2 days, some BLOOODY moron in a '80s Camry decides to lock up his brakes!

I (while trying to stop) lock up my brakes, hit him and a poor lady in a Tx3 laser hits me. I check to see if my GF is ok, get out and check that the lady behind me is ok, She is fine cept for her 8mth old who is a little shaken up. we both exchange details but agree to fix our own cars. BUT WAIT the dumb *** camry driver just stands there! no "Are you ok?" to anyone just mouths off "you fix car now!"....

I get his details and say ill contact him, I get a call 5mins from home saying "You fix car! $1500 WORTH! I call insurance".

I explain that i have no insurance on the EA and id like to replace his bumper since THATS ALL THATS WRONG! even the lady behind me says this.
He replys "ahhh noooo noo You fix car now! $1500 you work out with insurance, i need tailights, boot, bumper and whole rear car to be fixed!"

I have NFI what im suppose to do now, this hasnt happened to me before..
My GF is a mess thinking were going to be hit up for $1500 worth of "fake" repairs on a S**t box Camry.. Someone help?!

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Old 01-09-2005, 10:46 AM   #2
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tell em you will get it repaired? get the car off em and take it down to the wreckers? thats if its not sustained some crumpled floor in the boot? which it doesnt look like
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:49 AM   #3
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excess will be 800, considering u can pik up a complete camry or watever box it is, youd be better of doing yaself
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:49 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by niko
tell em you will get it repaired? get the car off em and take it down to the wreckers? thats if its not sustained some crumpled floor in the boot? which it doesnt look like
my car has ALOT more damage then his, and its only looks like a bumper and the lower stone guard...

but he says the whole rear end of the car is stuffed! My radiator support pannel isnt even damaged, how can that bE!
1993 Ford Fairlane NC3 Silver - LTD mockup, Worked V8 & Auto, Fully Optioned, Half of my Audio department at work installed in the car

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Old 01-09-2005, 10:50 AM   #5
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i know it sucks a55 but your legally responsible as the women behind you in responsible for you end damage
say the a55hole didn't have any brakelights
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:51 AM   #6
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this guy that doesnt speak much english sounds like a panel beater huh? i think they just want some cash of u, and not even worry bout fixing it.

i here many of these stories.
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:52 AM   #7
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damn that sucks mick... do you have this guys address? I would be taking photos of the damage done to his car as well as your car so theirs some evidence of what damage there is.
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:53 AM   #8
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make sure you get underneath his car to have a look at the floor.
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:53 AM   #9
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ive offered to fix his rear bar but keeps spitting out jibberish about "ahh oohhh i dunno"
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:54 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by neb
damn that sucks mick... do you have this guys address? I would be taking photos of the damage done to his car as well as your car so theirs some evidence of what damage there is.
I have pics of my car now
1993 Ford Fairlane NC3 Silver - LTD mockup, Worked V8 & Auto, Fully Optioned, Half of my Audio department at work installed in the car

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Old 01-09-2005, 10:54 AM   #11
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"i think they just want some cash of u"
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:55 AM   #12
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yea say his brake lights wern't working and he suddenly breaked for no reason, i say beat him with a stick :
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:55 AM   #13
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Yeah but get pics of his car if you can.. of the bumper and inside the boot and underneath etc. I think that would be the best idea. You are responsible to fix it... if he does want it fixed professionally by a panel beating place you would probably legally have to pay for that I think?
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:56 AM   #14
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As i said on msn, VERY touch luck mate. I really think it would be wise to see a solicitor or someone who can advise you of exactly what your rights are. Personally i don't think the guy has a leg to stand on, not to mention the fact that he seems to have pulled this $1500 figure out of nowhere.
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:57 AM   #15
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if he wants to extort you extort him back...tell the insurance company his brake lights didn't work and you had no warning watso eva that he was braking
deeming the accident his fualt for not having a roadworthing vehicle
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Old 01-09-2005, 10:59 AM   #16
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He just rang now saying he wants $2000!
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:00 AM   #17
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Sorry to hear about your bad day. Unfortunately accidents happen, this is why 3rd party insurance is a good idea, that way the insurance companies worry about it. If this guy wants to do it through insurance he has to get quotes (3 from memory) & you pick which one he gets it done through & you pay for it. I think thats the way it works, i know he does have to get quotes. Maybe it would be advisable to contact his insurance company & see what they require him & you to do.

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Old 01-09-2005, 11:02 AM   #18
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Hey mate, bad luck, but has been said proven in many other threads, you hit from behind your fault regardless, you should always have enough gap to stop


if you hit him, lady in tx3 hits you, hits her fault all of it, last in worst served

Simple rule here, IN ANY ACCIDENT NEVER ADMIT FAULT to the other person at any time.
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:05 AM   #19
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Do you have a mate who is a mechanic, or works at a mechanics? THIS IS WHAT I'D DO:

* I'd insist on making up some bogus mechanic company, having this idiot drop his car off at this address,

*then you + mates drive off in his car, fix the bumper and whatever else at your joint,

*print out a counterfeit style invoice/bill to which you have marked as "Paid for, to the sum of $1500" but in official 1337 stylez so it looks convincing :P

* do something that's like a "time bomb" that will root his motor in a month's time. Maybe some kind of solvent in the engine oil so he has no rings by October/November?

How could he pin that on you :P

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Old 01-09-2005, 11:05 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Dellboy999
Hey mate, bad luck, but has been said proven in many other threads, you hit from behind your fault regardless, you should always have enough gap to stop


if you hit him, lady in tx3 hits you, hits her fault all of it, last in worst served

Simple rule here, IN ANY ACCIDENT NEVER ADMIT FAULT to the other person at any time.
I havent admitted but said I would be willing to replace his rear bar out of niceness, he keeps repling "Noo I ring insurance $2000 or $1700 to fix!"
1993 Ford Fairlane NC3 Silver - LTD mockup, Worked V8 & Auto, Fully Optioned, Half of my Audio department at work installed in the car

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Old 01-09-2005, 11:07 AM   #21
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but the TX3 hit you, so its not your fault, he has to speak to her insurance

ring an insurance company, anyone pretty much, tell them yuo are thinking of a policy but had a question you need the answer to first, place your incident to them as a hyperthetical, then ask them what is the answer, then also ask do yuo keep your no claim to make it sound legit, then yuo will have an answer as to who has to pay for what (well a better idea)
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:09 AM   #22
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Geez tough situation. Go and get pics asap.

Side note a friend of mine ran his parents mitsubish into the back of a vl and wrote it off. folfed up the boot and all. The mitsi had a bent plate and scratches on the bumper, so it is possible his car could have gotten more damage. You need to go and have a decent look for yourself. Take someone else with you also.
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:10 AM   #23
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One more thing:

Buy a tin of shrimp, take the back seat off, tip in the contents, put back seat back on again. Add sunshine and bake for a week :

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Old 01-09-2005, 11:15 AM   #24
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Dave thats the first laugh ive had all day
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:17 AM   #25
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Well if I'm unable to offer proper advice, I might as well A) entertain you, and B) fill your head with evil ideas :P

I'd help, but I've got an EB.
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:17 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Dellboy999
but the TX3 hit you, so its not your fault, he has to speak to her insurance

ring an insurance company, anyone pretty much, tell them yuo are thinking of a policy but had a question you need the answer to first, place your incident to them as a hyperthetical, then ask them what is the answer, then also ask do yuo keep your no claim to make it sound legit, then yuo will have an answer as to who has to pay for what (well a better idea)
It doesnt work like that. Mick is responsible for the car he hit, the woman is responsible for micks car. Even if the first 2 cars were stationary and the 3rd shunted the 2nd into the first the 2nd would still be liable for damage to the 1st. Obviously when it is proven what happened the 3rd pays for damage to 1 and 2.
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:18 AM   #27
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First comment:
Learn to drive. If his brakes were locked, he wasn't stopping as fast as the vehicle is capable of. From that, if you hadn't have locked up, you *might* have been able to stop in time and not hit him. Also, if you couldn't stop in time, you were following too close.

Second comment:
Get Insurance

Third comment:
Let him call his insurance company in. Bet you he's not insured either...
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:20 AM   #28
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4th comment, find a cheap panel beater, which ive already told him about. and fork out some cash to fix a fuk up
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:24 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Ghia5L
One more thing:

Buy a tin of shrimp, take the back seat off, tip in the contents, put back seat back on again. Add sunshine and bake for a week :

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Dave, you are seriously evil.

Seriously though, $2000 for a bumper? Considering I got a genuine fairmont bumper for a slab, this guy is seriously a rip-off merchant. Also being an 80's Camry, I presume it has black bumpers, meaning there wouldn't be any additional costs involved in painting the thing.
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Old 01-09-2005, 11:24 AM   #30
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Sorry to hear it but, without insurance of some kind, you have put yourself in this position and you have little or no chance of getting out of this easily.

I'm sure you knew you had no insurance and, regardless of if the Camry was a tool or not, you hit him and you now have to pay for the damage. Without insurance you are also at the mercy of whatever price he wants to claim.

Sorry but no insurance means you took a gamble and lost.
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